Hollywood- China Deals — Internet Explorer — Streaming as a Genre — Middle-Class Films

Streaming As a Genre
Ben Johnson
Updated on 05/12/2023

Gruvi Weekly Digest #11 — A weekly catch up on what we found interesting at Gruvi.

New year, new things to look forward to across the entertainment and tech industries. From Twitter renouncing its character limit, to VR gaining a foothold on a wide scale, we’ve rounded up some of the most important topics to keep tabs on in the months to come.


Ben, CEO

Will This Be China’s Big Year to Buy Into Hollywood? via Hollywood Reporter
After Hollywood has intensified its efforts to reach Asian audiences- and Chinese ones in particular- the tide has turned. Plenty of more or less defined deals are in the making for 2016, increasing the influence of Chinese billionaires in the movie industry.


Matt, Operations Lead

Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 die on Tuesday via The Next Web
So Microsoft has announced it’ll no longer support IE 8, 9 and 10! While obviously great news for anyone developing websites/webapps, this doesn’t mean the end of legacy support just yet; if your customer still uses it, you have to support it. Still, welcome news and hopefully Microsoft nagging users to upgrade will move things in the right direction.


Mirona, Gruvi’s Go Getter

Streaming TV Isn’t Just a New Way to Watch. It’s a New Genre via NY Times
What started as a way to watch movies and shows has slowly morphed into a genre of its own. Binge watching influences viewer’s schedule as much as it has an impact on the work of writers, directors and producers.


Johnny, Lead Developer

The Decline of Middle-Class Films and the Case for Government FundingWhy we can’t wait for Hollywood to fix the problem via Indiewire
With a new crop of films to expect this year, William Dickerson analyses for Indiewire the state of middle-class offerings, its impact on the industry as a whole and on the creators. Is there the case for the US to take a cue from Europe when it comes to institutional support for moviemaking?


Dario, Developer

Virtual Reality Expected to Generate $5.1 Billion in 2016 via IGN
From science fiction territory, virtual reality has quickly shot to the top of most sought after new technologies. With projected earnings of $5.1 billion dollars, it looks like 2016 might be the year virtual reality will make a definite step to become a part of our daily experiences.


Franco, Graphic Designer

Twitter Isn’t Raising the Character Limit. It’s Building a Wall via Slate
As a designer, it’s always interesting to see how social media platform alter their looks to accommodate changes. But it might be that Twitter’s next move had very little to do with its looks and much more with it creating an all-encompassing ecosystem for the users.

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Streaming As a Genre