Gruvi Podcast Germany
Ben Johnson
Updated on 13/12/2023

Tracking audience engagement and ticketing demand can give a good prediction about Box office openings for your film ahead of its release. Gruvi is building tools that track audience engagement and predict ticket sales from your marketing activities. You can read an introduction to our tools and to this case study here. You can also book a meeting with us here to discuss the findings below.

Key Findings in Germany

In the previous segments to this series we demonstrated a series of Key Performance Indicators that can be used to assess the effectiveness of the campaign at driving interest in the film, ticketing and the overall sentiment of the audience towards the film in order to determine how well the film will perform in Box Office.

To illustrate our findings the following table comprises the films we worked on in Germany in 2022 where budgets were sufficient to reach the target audiences.

Movie NameAction RateLink Clicks/Actions ShareLink Clicks/ImpressionsShowtime Interaction RateShowtime Exit Rate
Serial (Bad) Weddings 3 9.84%8.76%0.86%13.04%3.83%
Willi und die Wunderkröte4.99%39.67%1.98%4.73%0.55%
Bibi & Tina 19.05%2.73%0.52%9.72%2.31%
Corsage 22.07%2.12%0.47%14.84%1.28%
The Worst Person In The World15.61%4.13%0.65%15.08%0.67%
Paris, 13th District 14.93%6.58%0.98%7.22%1.30%
The Good Boss23.21%1.12%0.26%10.66%0.73%

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Even though almost all of the above films in the table exceeded the Action Rate benchmark, Serial (Bad) Weddings 3 was the only campaign to meet all KPIs, while all other campaigns met only two KPIs or less. 

Serial (Bad) Weddings 3 is the third film of the successful franchise. One could argue that audiences had a good understanding of what the film is about and were naturally more inclined to interact with the ads, however, throughout the campaign all KPIs were met and so despite the fact that the film is targeting older audiences, interaction with showtimes were great, which led us to trust the film would perform well. Box office opening was good.

None of the other campaigns met the Link Clicks/Actions Share KPI, indicating that even though interaction with ads was good and Action rate was high, immediate audience demand for ticketing was very low. It is important to consider the effect that COVID-19 has had on film campaigns in Germany. Throughout 2021 and 2022 there have been mask mandates and Cinema closures. Because of the uncertainty surrounding this, audiences were less likely to purchase tickets in advance. Had any of the films met all initial awareness KPIs and had healthy session times interaction, we could have hoped for a potential good opening regardless COVID-19 restrictions. However, this was not the case for any of the above titles except for Serial (Bad) Weddings 3.

Key Findings in Germany

  • Ticket buying behaviour in Germany has been severely impacted by COVID-19 restrictions, however, most films did not even meet the early awareness KPIs which assess audience engagement. To Gruvi believe the films would have not met ticketing demand requirements even in the non-COVID world.
  • Serial (Bad) Weddings 3 was the only film campaign to meet four KPIs and had strong Box Office results in Germany.

Interested to know whether YOUR film is on track to meet Box Office targets before it is released? Book a meeting with us here.

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Gruvi Podcast Germany