Gruvi Vlog #1 — How Privacy Affects Apple Music — Discoverability — Evolution of New Media 

Ben Johnson
Updated on 05/12/2023

Gruvi Weekly Digest #29 — A weekly catch up on what we found interesting at Gruvi.
This week marks the launch of our first ever vlog. You can watch it below to discover the lessons we’ve learned about paying attention to the audience in our social media campaign for “It Follows”. In addition to that, the team recommends reads ranging from studies on discoverability to quirky explorations of new media- its history and its future.
If you’d like to make sure you don’t miss any of our Weekly Digests subscribe to the publication here.
Ben, CEO
Gruvi Vlog 1- #givearthousehorrorachance
Know thy audience. This week something a little different. We are starting a video blog, based on the articles and research we write. You can check out the fist version here which is about what you do when you have started down the wrong path with your digital marketing campaign.
Matt, Operations Lead
Why Apple Music Is So Bad When the iPhone Is So Good via The New Yorker
Apple services are a bit underwhelming at times. Hardware is in Apple’s DNA and it’s clearly evident that they view services as value-add to the hardware, rather than core products. What’s more, Apple services are used by a fraction of the people using Microsoft, Google or Facebook services?—?so opportunity cost of focussing on services over hardware is high. But this article highlights another related reason that puts Apple at a (self-imposed) disadvantage: Apple prioritises privacy.
Mirona, Gruvi’s Go Getter
Discoverability: Toward a Common Frame of Reference via Canada Media Fund
In an age when attention is hard and expensive to capture, the Canada Media Fund is looking towards how this will evolve, conducting a study on discoverability. The study explores both the industrial and institutional lever involved, as well as the players.
Johnny, Lead Developer
Film Crit Hulk Smash: MONSTER FACTORY, New Media, And The Future Of “TV” via
Film Crit Hulk, in its all-caps, gamma-radiation infused style, explores the evolution of new media and TV using Monster Factory and the Mcelroy’s oeuvre in general as example.
Franco, Digital Designer
Virtual reality: VR won’t kill UI design, AR will. via Sam Applebee on Medium
Sam Applebee’s article investigates virtual and augmented reality from the perspective of User Interface design. These emerging technologies will bring monumental changes to digital product design. What’s less clear is the part that UI designers will play in its evolution, and it looks like we’re underprepared.
Read our report on the pros and cons of Screening Room: Movies Should Be Seen?—?How Screening Room Is Challenging the way Hollywood works Check out the what we have learned about audience targeting in one of our recent campaigns: Know Thy Audience: Marketing the Horror Film IT FOLLOWS

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